无码专区中文字幕无野区,天天摸天天碰天天添中文字幕,亚洲午夜无码精品视频2019,日韩久久无码精品 卡一区二

Investors Platform

Basic Information

Abbreviation of the company: Tuozhan New Materials

Industry: Fine Chemicals

Date of establishment of the company: May 21, 2003

Total share capital: 37,510,000 yuan (as of September 21, 2015)

Legal representative: Fu Yong

General manager: Fu Yong

Secretary of the Board: Gao Zehua

Registered address: Guanlin Village, Huayuan Town, Xinjin County, Chengdu City

Business scope: R & D, production and sales of plastic film ink, ink binders and printing materials.

Tel: 028-82410606

E-mail of the secretary of the chairman: gaozehua@cdtznm.com


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